How can teachers access the support they need for kids with special learning needs?

Teachers have so much on their plates every day.  Each student's individual needs become apparent throughout those first few days and months of school, and every teacher already has strategies, tools and knowledge to support those needs.

Sometimes, though, teachers (like ALL of us) get a little stuck.  Most tips, strategies and tools they've learned along the way work for most of their students; but sometimes there is one student, or maybe a few, who don't have the needs teachers are familiar with in their classrooms. How can teachers access the help they need for children with special learning needs?

Take a look at some of our favorite testimonials from an International School Leader in this one-minute video!


We at IDS are here to support teachers, administrators and families with the special learning needs of kids.  

Our skilled and experienced clinicians provide online professional development and consultation in the areas of:

-Occupational Therapy

-Speech/Language Therapy

-Behavior Support


-Executive Functioning

-Gifted & Talented

{and many more}

Partnering with IDS for professional development and consultation means you are bringing world-class educators and clinicians to your school team to help them learn valuable skills to support ALL of the children in their classrooms.